For my final project, I chose to recreate and rebrand the charity known as Locks of Love. Locks of Love is an organization that focuses on helping children under the age of 21 suffering with long term hair loss. Locks of Love provides children with donated child-friendly hair prosthesis that are better suited for them than adult sized wigs. As you scroll down, you'll find a variety of deliverables I have created for this organization. This includes, the homepage and the about page for their website (in both desktop and mobile formats), a mobile app, and a digital campaign. As someone who has donated to Locks of Love several times, this project meant a lot to me and I intended to create a look that I feel suits them.
I chose to utilize a pink and blue color palette because, while Locks of Love may seem like it exclusively cater to females, men are also welcome to participate in this amazing organization. Additionally, I used a combination of two fonts throughout my entire platform: Lato and Architects Daughter. Architects daughter is a very playful and child-like font, which I think speaks to the younger audience. In contrast, Lato is a very legible font which I think is important for any website to have. 
Next, I created a mobile app. My app is a social platform where both the givers and receivers can share their stories of what it was like to donate their hair or acquire new hairpieces. In addition to sharing their stories, the participants are able to share pictures and videos, bringing their stories to life. I feel that this experience is very emotional for both the giver and receiver and instead of bottling everything up, I think it is important that these people share their experiences. In today’s digital world, I believe people find peace in sharing their hardships and explaining themselves rather than just wearing them like an awkward sign on their foreheads. With the Locks of Love mobile app, people will be able to share their joyful experiences.   
Lastly, I created a digital campaign for Locks of Love. My intentions were tug at people's emotions by using the right imagery and photography. I really wanted people seeing the ad to get a sense of what it's like to go everyday without hair. 
Thank You!
Locks of Love

Locks of Love
